The expectation is that pedestrian, bicycle, and transit infrastructure or information technology systems identified in local, regional, or countywide planning documents will be incorporated into transportation projects receiving funding if they fall within the project limits.
However, exceptions will be considered where exceptional circumstances prohibit adherence to this policy. Infrastructure or technology that is identified in a local, regional, or county planning document may be excluded from a transportation project in circumstances where:
- The cost of providing the Complete Streets element is disproportionate to the overall cost of the project, as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel.
- A roadway user is legally prohibited from using the transportation facility.
- There is an absence of existing and future need.
- Detrimental environmental or social impacts outweigh the need for the infrastructure or technology.
NOTE: Declaring an exception does not automatically disqualify a project from receiving 2016 Measure B funding. The purpose of the declaration is to publicly document the rationale behind design decisions.