2023 Oratory Topic:
The Key Club pledge is:
"I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.”
Describe your experiences with upholding the Key Club pledge and what you learned from them.
The Rules
- All Key Club Members in the Georgia District that are in good standing are eligible for this award.
- The subject matter of the oration and the presentation must be original and
completely developed by each orator. Content and presentation will be
considered equally in judging
- Video MUST be uploaded to YouTube and be marked as “unlisted”.
- Each orator will be allowed a maximum of 5 minutes for their presentation. Exceeding the time limit by 10 seconds or more will result in a penalty unless extenuating circumstances exist.
- All decisions made by the judges are final.
- All entries must be submitted by February 3, 2023
- The member that wins first place will be eligible to compete at Key Club International Convention as outlined by the International Guidebook.
Judging Criteria
The video will be judged on the following:
Speech–50 Points
Clarity of message and projection of ideas- 25 Points
Depth- 5 Points
Originality-5 Points
Structure (including organization, grammar, transitions, flow, etc.)- 15 Points
Delivery–50 Points
Presence (posture, gestures, and ability to engage the audience)- 15 Points
Voice (tone, diction, effectiveness, pronunciation)- 15 Points
Ease of presentation and intimacy with audience- 15 Points
Attention of audience- 5 Points