1. An Entry Form must be filled in for each exhibit, Rules for Exhibitors acknowledged, and then submitted. Following form submission Exhibitors can contact:
Nigel Wanless, 34 Kilruskin Drive, West Kilbride, Ayrshire, KA23 9JA Tel: 07714182437 or email:
Entry forms must be submitted by 24th May 2025 to be included in the Show catalogue. Late entries will be accepted but cannot be included in the Show Catalogue and will not be included in the judging.
2. To qualify for the main classic section of the show the motorcycle must be at least 15 years old.
3. Motorcycles must arive at the show venue with the minimum amount of fuel on-board. AN OVER FULL FUEL TANK WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ENTRY TO THE INDOOR VENUE. (Note that there is a Tesco filling station adjacent to the venue)
4. On arrival at the show venue all motorcycle(s) will be inspected for fuel and oil leaks and general safety and their details registered. Any fuel leaks are found the motorcycle will not be admitted to the show until repaired to the satisfaction of the inspectors. While older motorcycles may be prone to oil leaks no motorcycle will be admitted to the show if the inspecting team deem that any ol leak will be sufficient to cause damage to the fabric of the venue.
5. After being inspected all motorcycles will be registered through a security system where they will be issued with a unique number. The motorcycle will then be conducted to its allotted position. The exhibitor will be issued with a card giving the security number and this must be presented when removing the motorcycle at the end of the show. Failure to show this card may mean a substantial delay in ext from the show until the legitimacy of ownership of the machine can be proven. This is for your protection so please accept this in good faith.
6. Access for exhibitors is available from 7am on the day of the show and the machine(s) must be in place by 9.30am. There is limited admission for exhbits to the venue on Friday 16th June between 6pm and 9pm with overnight storage at own risk at the venue. Rule 8 below will apply.
7. The Show will be open to the public from 10 am until 4 pm on the day of the show so NO exhibits will be allowed to be removed from the venue before 4 pm. This is an important condition when you sign the entry form. NOTE THAT THERE ARE SAFETY IMPLICATIONS INVOLVED AND THIS RULING WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
8. No responsibility is accepted by the Ayr Classic Motorcycle Club or any of its representatives or the operators of the Princess Royal Suites for loss or damage to any goods or exhibits while stored or located within the venue or its environs prior to during or after the show.
9. Motorcycles must not be started or ridden indoors at the venue at any time.
10. Each exhibit will receive one Show Entry Ticket for the Show on Saturday 14th June 2025.