ArtWalk Venue Submission
To be included in the monthly LoDa ArtWalk infographic, venues must submit their arts activities through this form three weeks prior to each LoDa ArtWalk event. No late submissions will be included. To qualify as a venue, you must be within a safely walkable area of Downtown Mobile, have a free arts centric activity open for the public to participate in (other than typical retail operations for non-arts businesses), and have your event take place within the ArtWalk hours of 6 and 9 p.m. You must submit new information monthly to be included. If you have any questions or concerns, email!
Venue Name
Example: Mobile Arts Council
Venue Address
Example: 6 S. Joachim Street
Event Month and Year
Example: January 2023
Description of ArtWalk Activities (please limit to 2 sentences)
Example: Showcasing “I Am Light” by Ty Tover, “All About the Dress” by Lynne Weeks, and handmade arts and crafts in the MAC Member Gift Shop. Listen to a gallery talk with Ty Tover starting at 7 p.m.!
Event Hours
Example: 6 - 9 p.m.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
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Upload an image or flyer that we can share on our social media to advertise for your ArtWalk activities! This is not required.
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