Thank you for considering TailWaggersK9Sport, please understand that we are not Behaviour Consultants we are trainers that work with behaviour. If you would like a referral to our nearest Behaviour Consultants we are happy to provide this information.
During your session we will consider your dogs lifestyle, and may make recommendations in addition to any training - these recommendation go along to support the dogs ability to remove, deminsh said behaviour. Please be honest with the your answers, we are not here to judge but to help.
Depeneding on the session you require you may be asked to book two sessions - the main one and a follow up one to ensure we are making progress.
We also recognise that as much as we want to help all the dogs and their handlers we can't. If we feel we do not have the correct background for your concern we will advise you, and provide you with other suitable recommendations, this may be after the first session. We will in this case give you as much informatina and advise as possible, to at least get you started on your goal.
Please note that notes and recommendations from the session may be shared with your veterinarian, especially with potential bite cases.