Your cat has been through major surgery. He/she will need special attention for a full, uneventful recovery, just as a human would. Please read and review the following instructions. If you have any questions at any time, please call the shelter at 920-261-1270.
No bathing for a minimum of 14 days after surgery. If patient is discharged on the same day as surgery, prevent access to steps, climbing, and jumping as best as you can.
Day of surgery offer small amounts of food and water after 8pm, however, if your cat becomes sick to his/her stomach, discontinue food until the next morning. As long as he/she is able to keep food in and doesn't exhibit signs of illness, you can resume normal diet the day following surgery.
Begin all medications on the day of discharge unless otherwise directed. Directions for medications are printed on each bottle. Please observe recommendations for giving with food if stated.
Incision Care:
Please check the incision daily. Some redness and swelling is a normal consequence of surgery and healing. If the incision becomes painful, opens or dishcarges pus or blood, please contact your regular veterinarian for follow up care. A small amount of clear fluid may ooze from the incision and is considered normal. DO NOT allow your cat to lick, chew, rub or pull a the incision. If he/she does, you must stop this behavior right away and begin using the e-collar. If you do not have a collar at home, please pick one up from the shelter or your local pet store at the earliest ability.