Gem & Jam 2024 Street Team Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Have you been on a street team for other festivals, artists or venues before? If so, please list them.
Have you been on the G&J street team before? If so, which year/s?
Are you familiar with the facebook "Invite All" plugin for event invites? If not, we will happily walk you thru the process (this is a requirement for all G&J street teamers)
Do you have a smartphone with app usage capabilities?
Are you willing to receive printed promotional materials in the mail and distribute them in your area? If not, please stop filling out this application b/c this is the main requirement
Why do you want to promote for Gem &Jam?
All of the below are requirements to promote Gem & Jam with fliers and posters. Please confirm you can complete these tasks by checking the boxes.
Retail Stores (in the window or bulletin boards in cafes, smoke shops, dispensaries, crystal shops, record stores, etc)
Like minded concerts, festivals and community events
Hanging up posters in high visibility areas (college campuses, high foot traffic zones, kiosks, artsy neighborhoods, etc)
House parties, gatherings, meet ups with likeminded people, and general word of mouth
Do you have Instagram? If so, how many followers do you have between your page(s)? Promoting Gem & Jam at least weekly via social media is a requirement for all street team members.
Do you have Twitter? If so, how many followers do you have between your page(s)? Promoting Gem & Jam at least weekly via social media is a requirement for all street team members.
Thank you for your interest in being on the G&J street team. If there's anything else you would like to add about yourself or if you have any additional promotional / marketing ideas for Gem & Jam please let us know here!
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