Become a Divorce Coach Application
Email Address
Full Name
City and State you reside in?
Currently employed? Tell us about it!
What is your highest level of education?
Are you already certified as a coach? Where did you receive your certification?
Are you divorced? If yes, when was your divorce final?
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being super amicable and 10 being like walking on hot coals, how would you describe your divorce process?
What helped you navigate your divorce process best?
Did you work with a lawyer? Mediator? Both?
Did you have to litigate?
Are you co-parenting?
How old are your kids?
What is your time-sharing arrangement?
How have you shifted into making co-parenting work for you?
What do you think the most significant challenges of divorce are for a mom?
Why do you want to be a divorce coach?
What would you say your three best qualities are?
Help us out with this scenario: Mom and Dad have separated. They have two kids, ages 4 and 2, who they will eventually be co-parenting. Mom initiated the divorce, but only because she found that dad was cheating with a neighbor and using their savings to buy her lavish gifts and take her on vacations. Mom is incredibly angry and hurt, and does not want her children around him at all, let alone the 50% he is asking for. What advice would you give to her and how would you help her navigate this? What do you think is the best plan for their kids?
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