Clinics Serving Small Flock Holders
In an effort to help animal owners access veterinary services within Manitoba, the CVO is hoping to compile a list of veterinary clinics and the corresponding veterinarians who treat some of the lesser-served species, which could then be shared with animal owners at educational events taking place in the future. Please note that information shared below will be proved to the CVO.
First Name
Last Name
Clinic Name(s)
Veterinarian(s) that primarily provide care to small holder species in the clinic
If your clinic does serve small holder species, please check off which of the following species/groups that your clinic serves. We refer to “small holder” as operations or premises that raise animals in small-scale farm or companion animal settings (ex. do not belong to supply managed agricultural systems or marketing boards such as the Egg Farmers of Manitoba).
Small holder poultry, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowl
Small holder swine, including pet and farmed pigs
Small ruminants, including sheep and goats
Camelids, including llamas and alpacas
If there are any species that you specifically do not treat, please feel free to indicate same below
I consent to the MVMA and Manitoba Agriculture sharing my contact information with small holder animal owners?
Would you be interested in receiving the occasional communication on upcoming webinars and CE events concerning small holder medicine, as well as links to other resources (like the Canadian Small-Scale Pig Farming Manual)?
Contact email for CE events, resources, etc
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