Data Roles in DC Education Interest Form
Are you interested in learning more about data roles in education either with EmpowerK12 or one of our partners? Please complete this form to share more about you experience and interests.
First Name
Last Name
How many years of experience do you have working in PK-12 education?
How many years of experience do you have working in a data role?
My experience includes:
Data analysis
Data entry
Data visualization
Experience working in K-12 education
None of these but interested to learn more!
Please rate your skill level and experience on the following items. (Select one choice per item) .
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Google Sheets
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Training individuals
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Training groups
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
Creating training materials
Able to teach others of all levels (expert)
Able to teach others (advanced)
Can use or do independently with support
Basic understanding but need support to use/do
Never used/done but interested in learning
Never used/done and not interested in pursuing
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