Service Dog C.O.A.T. Program
(Canine/Owner Assisted Training)
C.O.A.T. is a comprehensive plan of action and training support to help you train your Service Dog
An initiative exclusive to Canines At Training, LLC
We train for tasks such as:
balance/counter-balance & bracing,
gait regulation, mobility assistance
diabetic, hearing, seizure alert
medication/equipment retrieval
behavior interruption
deep compression therapy
PTSD assistance
Tuition is $6,200 with an 8 month commitment. (Save $200 by paying via cash or check).
You will receive a “Service Dog Prospect In Training” patch and vest, the Public Access Test at the end of the program, and upon graduation, ADA cards, a "Service Dog" patches for your vest and an ID indicating that you've completed your training with us.
**Requirements** The items below are included with your tuition and completion of each is required to qualify for graduation from the program:
If your puppy is under 5 months of age – attendance in Puppy group class levels 1, 2 & 3.
If your dog is 5 to 18 months of age – attendance in Tweens & Teens and Manners group classes levels 1, 2 & 3
If your dog is over 18 months of age – attendance in Manners group class levels 1, 2 & 3
A minimum of three attendances per month of task training class
A minimum of three attendances per month of public access field trips and/or proofing & public proofing classes.
Successful passing of the AKC's CGC, CGCA and CGCU tests.
Successful passing of the Public Access Test (PAT)
Successful assessment of reliable Task performance
*Included in the program (optional)
Unlimited public access field trips.
Unlimited task training classes.
Unlimited Proofing and/or Publice Proofing classes.
50% off CEO half-day drop-off training.
50% off Puppy Socials.
50% off an other 4-week class that may interest you.
$5 off one-hour workshops or seminars
$250 off Day Training program.
$500 off Board & Train.
If your dog does not pass the Public Access and Task Performance Assessment at the end of your program, you may continue on for $600 per month until you are team ready.
We can also help with selection of a prospect or fully train an assistance dog for you.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Do you have a need or medical disability that has been verified by a doctor?
You may join our program any time of the year. There is a 8 month commitment once you begin your program. When were you looking to start?
Do you have a dog in mind as a prospect?
Please Select
I'm researching dogs
I am in the initial stages of considering a Service Dog to assist me
Not sure
If yes, tell us about the dog - it's age, breed or breed-type, and any training already on board
Additional comments or information
Have you had a Service Dog previously?
What are the tasks you need the dog to perform to help mitigate your disability or needs?
You are under no obligation to share details about your medical condition, however, if you feel it would be helpful to provide details so that we can better assist you with training your dog appropriately, enter your comments here. Information given is strictly confidential.
Are you acquainted with the current federal and local laws pertaining to proper use, need and training of service dogs or assistance animals to help mitigate those with confirmed disabilities?
Should be Empty: