Breathing Room For The Soul: Poems and Quotes from the HeartAre you carrying the pain of yesterday, because you don’t know who are without it? Has trauma put a hold on the progression of your life? It’s time to embrace what you’ve spent years trying to avoid. The gloom of defeat, that’s dimmed your path. The pressures of unaddressed secrets and the despondency of rejection. Freedom is possible and you’re entitled to it. Daily, trauma is masked by the demands of life. Hidden in distractions. We pretend we’re okay because avoidance seems trouble-free. While digging to the root of it all, requires pieces of us that we’re not courageous enough to confront. We fill the voids that abuse, heartbreak, betrayal, and disappointment has left us, with every unfulfilling thing in our reach. A temporary and flawed sense of wholeness—just to keep going. Merely getting by doesn’t produce anything long lasting. It’s time to thrive now. Breathing Room for the Soul is a story of survival. A collection of poems, excerpts, and quotes from the heart of one who’ve lived through the darkness of sexual abuse, lesbianism, depression, chronic illness, unforgiveness, and a lifestyle of self-destruction. Inspired by personal life experiences and the voices of other survivors, who continue to persist. May this testimonial be a poetic pathway to peace for all who need to exhale.