Environmental & Sustainability Planning & Reporting as a Subscriber Service
Request for information or Quote
Desire compliant GHG disclosure solution in time for ALLIANT 3 or OASIS+ submission
Not urgent, considering implementation of a solution in the next year
I just want general information
I want someone to contact me
I want a quote
Tell Us About Your Company
Company Legal Name
Corporate Website
Socioeconomic Category
Please Select
Number of Employees
Number of Operating Locations in the US
Count operations in Government facilities and woprk-from-home locations, Do NOT count OCONUS
Does your company own or lease vehicles for business use? If so, indicate number in the next block.
Number of owned and/or leased vehicles
Enter "0" if none
Does your company do any of the following? Select those applicable.
Operate franchises
Invest in the operation of other businesses
Lease buildings or facilities
Operate recycling or waste processing
Act as lessor of buildings or facilities
None of the above
Federal marketspace that you pursue
Brief description, e.g. engineering and technical assistance
Point of Contact
First, Last
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Federal Sustainability Business Areas
Select as many as applicable
Greenhouse Gas Emission Scope 1 and 2. GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by your company, or GHG emissions resulting from the generation of electricity, heat or steam purchased by your company. Does your company have or do any of the following:
Lease vehicles or equipment to other businesses
Operate stationary emission sources
Operate on-site landfills and wastewater treatment
Have fugitive (leaked) emissions from operations
Purchase electricity (applies to all companies)
Purchase heating and cooling
Purchase steam
Don't know
Greenhouse Gas Emission Scope 3 (applies to all Federal contractors). Does your company have or do any of the following:
Purchase goods and services for internal use or for resale including VAR services
Capital goods
Operate fuel and energy activities
Transport or distribute goods including all inbound and outbound logistics
Dispose of waste generated in operations
Conduct business travel
Have employees who commute
Use leased assets
Process sold products prior to delivery
Support or use of sold products after delivery
Dispose of or end of life treatment of sold products
Operate franchises
Invest in other company's operations
Don't know
Preferred Base Year (for future GHG reporting)
2022 - requires you research data from 2022 using our apps for data collection
2023 - begin base year data collection Jan 2023, or later
If you are a VAR to the Government, "How many major hardware items (computers, servers, printers, large peripherals) did you deliver to the Government in 2022?"
Enter "0" if not a VAR
Specific Questions You Have or Things We Should Know About Your Business Activities.
How did you learn about Federal NetZero
Google Ad
Google Search
Other Search Engine
Email from Us
Published news article
Published ad
From business associate
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