If you were an employee, contractor, received unemployment or received any other income of any kind not listed, you can take photos and/or upload documents below.
For identification purposes, upload and/or take photos of the following documents. If our office has this information from previous years, you will still have to provide it. You can take photos and/or upload the documents below.For taxpayers: Unexpired Driver's license or state IDFor Taxpayer claiming dependents: -Birth certificates to show relationship to taxpayer -Lease agreement or utility bill from last year-Proof dependent lived with you last year...school records, health insurance statement, etc.....has to show dependent's address is the same as yours.
If your tax preparation fees will be deducted from your refund, please provide the answer to the following security question: What high school did you attend? Type a label*
I hereby authorize Exquisite Tax Services to initiate automatic deposits to my account at the financial institution named below. I also authorize Exquisite Tax Services to make withdrawals from this account in the that a credit entry is made in error.Further, I agree not to hold Exquisite Tax Services responsible for any delay or loss of funds due to incorrect or incomplete information supplied by me or by my financial institution or due to an error on the part of my financial institution in depositing funds to my account.This agreement will remain in effect until Exquisite Tax Services receives a written notice of cancellation from me or my financial institution, or until I submit a new direct deposit form.Bank Name Type a label Routing Number Account Number Would you like your refund deposited in Please Select Checking Account Savings Account