TNR Assistance Request Form
TNR services only available for Hollywood/East Hollywood/West Hollywood
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Address of Colony
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How long have you been aware of this colony?
Approximate number of cats at this location?
Any pregnant cats at this location? If yes please provide a description.
Any sick/injured cats at this location? If so describe sickness/injury to the best of your ability.
Any young kittens at this location? If so, are they still nursing? If not nursing, do you know who their mother is?
Any friendly cats at this location? Friendly is defined as: approaches humans on their own, able to be petted, handled, or even picked up/held. If so, please describe which cat and what the degree of friendliness is.
Do any of the cats at this location already have an eartip? If you do not know how to spot an eartip please google it and return to this question.
Are you feeding the cats? If not, do you know who is? Are you able to get in contact with them if so?
If you are their feeder, do you agree to follow our instructions in working with us in holding off feeding 24 hours prior to trapping?
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer and/or learning how to trap?
I understand that Del Gato Rescue will only provide TNR services and the cats will be returned to the location they were trapped. Del Gato Rescue does NOT relocate feral cats.
I understand
Due to the volume of incoming help requests, we are unable to assist with every request. If we are able to help, each cat will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, flea treated, eartipped, and released back to the exact location it was trapped at. These services are free, however, as we are a volunteer-run nonprofit organization, donations to the rescue are greatly appreciated and allow us to continue helping our community. Your tax-deductible donation can be made via Venmo, Zelle, Paypal, cash, check, or by ordering from our Amazon Wishlist. Please type your initials to signify that this has been acknowledged.
Please describe any additional information about the colony and any questions or concerns you may have.
Should be Empty: