Who Needs A 1099 NEC?
Anyone you/or your Company paid $600 or more during the year should be issued a 1099-NEC. This includes people you have paid using Cash App, Zelle, Paypal, Venmo, Cash or Square. For your records. Have your contractors provide a copy of their photo ID and completed W9 form for your Records. To prepare, electronically file, and issue your 1099 NEC (s) we need the following: 1. Contractors full Legal Name 2. Contractors EIN or Social Security Number 3. Contractors Mailing Address 4. Total of Amounts Paid During The Year.
In Case You Do Not Have It: Form W9 Please Download & Have All Contractors Complete for Your Records
Step 1: Tell Us About Your Company
Company Name * Legal Name of Company, that matches the EIN or Social Security #
New Customers Only: Upload A Copy of Your EIN # or SS4 Letter. If you do not have a copy of your EIN or SS4 letter- Please Continue & Submit
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Company Address
Company EIN or SSN *If you are a Sole Prop or DO NOT have an EIN# please use your Social Security Number
Are you a new or existing customer? $55 Setup Fee for New Customers or Change in EIN or Legal Name for Existing Customers
Existing Customers Only: Do you need to make a change to how your business is currently setup with us? EX: Address Change, Name Change, EIN Change etc
Existing Customers Only: Please list the changes to be made to your account. EX: Please change company address to ........"
Step 2: Tell Us Who Needs a 1099 NEC
You may upload Contractor Information Individually by selecting multiple files or you can create an Excel or CSV spreadsheet. Please provide the following Information for ALL Contractors who need a 1099 NEC Issued Legal Name, Mailing Address, Social or EIN, Total Amount Paid
Upload File: 1099 NEC Contractor Information
Step 3: Pay Us For Our Awesome Services
New Clients Only: $55 Setup Fee 1099 NEC's are $8.00 per form, per Contractor
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