Thank you for your interest in joining the NYCB Trainer Registry, a membership organization of professional trainers committed to delivering highest quality training in the peer recovery profession.
Member benefits include:
1. Participation in a prestigious nationwide association of professional trainers committed to elevating training standards in the peer recovery profession (coaches, advocates, peer support specialists)
2. Public listing on the NYCB online profile of registry members, complete with your professional profile picture and links to your website and contact information
3. Free review of registry member trainings submitted under the NYCB Training Approval program (see below). (Registry membership is required for, but does not guarantee, training approval.)
4. Option to submit trainings for social work credit review
5. Free listing of approved trainings on dedicated New York Certification Board foundational training and certification renewal program webpages
6. Personalized digital badge confirming training approval status for placement on associated training certificates and promotional materials
7. Acceptance of a maximum of 10 hours of member-delivered trainings approved for recovery-specific continuing education in part fulfillment of their own peer recovery certification renewals
8. Consultative status to NYCB on issues affecting quality and delivery of peer recovery training through NYCB publications and a program of member-only Registry Roundtable discussions
9. Regular advisories on new developments/policies in peer recovery certification and training
10. Invitation to free participation in expert NYCB Training For Trainers professional development training program
11. Invitation to apply for Peer Workforce Initiative (PWI) TOT training as opportunities arise
By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the terms of the NYCB Trainer Registry Member Standards of Practice published at