Requirements for ALL cotations are as follows:
- Primary Owner information
- Dog's Registration Name & Number
- Dog's Registration Certificate
- Journee Evaluation Form(s)
Individual Cotation Requirements:
Cotation 1 - Confirmé (12 Months +)
- Dog is confirmed by a judge and the results are recorded.
Cotation 2 - Premier Choix (12 Months +)
- Subject Confirmed
- 1 TB or EXC in Journée in Morphology
- 1 EXC in Journée in Temperament OR Passed the CSAU or PT/JHD before 18 months of age
- Passing Rating of Hip Dysplasia (pre-lim acceptable)
Cotation 3 - Excellent (15 Months +)
- Subject Confirmed
- 1 EXC in Morphology at Journée
- 1 EXC in Temperament Test at Journée
- Plus 1 TB or EXC in Morphology at an additional Journée
- Verifiable Working Title or Working Certification
- Official Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Ratings showing no signs of dysplasia
Cotation 4 - Recommendé (15 Months +)
- Subject Confirmed
- 1 EXC+ overall score at a Journée
- 1 EXC or EXC+ overall score at a Journée
- Verifiable Working Title or Working Certification
- Dysplasia rating of Good or Excellent for Hips, Normal rating for Elbows.
- Group gunshot at a Journée
- Final Selection at a Journée
Cotation 5 - Elite B
- Confirmed subject having produced in 1st generation:
Males: 8 listed descendants including two cotation 4s and six cotation 2s between a minimum of 2 litters, maximum of 6 litters.
Females: 5 listed descendants including two cotation 4s and three cotation 3s in a minimum of 2 litters.
- Genetic identification (DNA submitted to AKC)
- Genetic Compatibility with Descendants (Confirmed via Embark, DNA, or Certified Pedigree)
- Dysplasia Rating of Excellent or Good for Hips, Normal Rating for Elbows
Cotation 6 - Elite A
- Recommandé subject having produced in 1st generation:
Males: 12 listed descendants including three cotation 4s and eight cotation 2s between a minimum of 2 litters, maximum of 6 litters.
Females: 7 listed descendants including three cotation 4s and four cotation 3s in a minimum of 2 litters.
- Genetic identification (DNA submitted to AKC)
- Genetic Compatibility with Descendants (Confirmed via Embark, DNA, or Certified Pedigree)
- Dysplasia Rating of Excellent or Good for Hips, Normal Rating for Elbows
Definitions and Regulations:
Confirmed - Dog has been presented to a certified judge in morphology at an American, Canadian or French Journée du Beauceron and was not disqualified.
CSAU - Certificat de Sociabilité et d’Aptitude á l’Utilisation
EXC - Excellent Rating
Final Selection - Dog has received a 1-4 placement in an adult class at a Journée with competition.
JHD - Junior Herding Dog title by the American Herding Breed Association
Overall Score - This is the combined score at a Journée of the temperament test and the morphological evaluation
Passing Hip Dysplasia Ratings - This is constituted by a passing rating given by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or the Société Centrale Canine at 24 months of age or older.
Pre-Lims - This is constituted as any health testing performed before the age of 24 months with a passing rating given by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or the Société Centrale Canine.
PT - Pre-Trial Test by the American Kennel Club
TB - Tres Bon Rating
- Only dogs aged 12 months and up will be able to receive cotations.
- Dogs being presented for COT3 and above must be at least 15 months of age.
- Dogs which are sexually altered are not eligible to receive cotations.
- Ratings must be given by current Club les Amis du Beauceron certified judges. Any rating which was given by uncertified judges are null and void.
- All OFA results must be publicly available on OFA’s website.
- SCC Health Ratings must be submitted to the Journee Committee at least 4 weeks prior to the Journee you are presenting your dog at.
- COT5 and COT6 will only be awarded at the Journée du Beauceron hosted by the Working Beauceron Association. Applications must be made at least 60 days in advance.
- Verifiable Working Title or Working Certifications include-
- French Ring 1 -3
- Mondioring 1-3
- PSA 1-3
- 2 Passing IGP Scores at the same level under 2 different judges
- Herding (started or level 1) on any course/stock
- 2 Passing Tracking Scores at the same level under 2 different judges
- Current Search and Rescue Certification
- Current Detection Certification
- All title and certification forms must be submitted to the Journée Committee with your entry form for verification.