1. Project Description (20 points)
Short Project Summary (250 words or less):
Detailed Project Description (750 words or less):
Please use the following headings to organize your response into sections:
2. Project Feasibility (20 points)
3. Linkage of Actions to Identified Threats to Lampreys (15 points)
For the next two questions, please reference the Regional Implementation Plans (RIPs) for each Regional Management Unit(s) (RMUs) where this project will occur. RIPs can be found on PLCI's website here: www.pacificlamprey.org/rmu/
4. Species/Habitat Benefits (15 points)
5. Relevance to Regional/National Plans, Strategies, and Priorities (10 points)
The following strategies, restoration and/or management plans are referenced in the questions below. Each is linked here for reference:
6. Evaluation and/or Monitoring (10 points)
Describe how the project's successful completion will benefit Pacific Lamprey, how it will be evaluated and/or monitored over time, and provide clear metrics on these benefits. Examples include, but are not limited to:
7. Project Budget (10 points)
In order to be eligible for this funding via NFHP, projects are required to demonstrate 1:1 non-federal/federal match. Match can be in the form of cash and/or in-kind contributions.
Eligible types of in-kind contributions may include:
State agency resources can be used for non-federal match if they are not being charged to another federal grant or being used to match other federal grants.
Tribal contributions (cash and in-kind) are considered non-federal. If the project proponent is a tribal organization non-federal match is NOT required, but please still include all match contributions in the table below if any.
FY25 PLCI/NFHP Budget Template
Thank you for your interest in PLCI, and for taking the time to submit this proposal. You will be contacted by PLCI to discuss the outcome of this funding process.