OARSI Mission Statement
OARSI is the premier international organization for scientists and health care professionals focused on the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis through the promotion and presentation of research, education, and the worldwide dissemination of new knowledge.
The purpose of the National Ambassador Program is to promote awareness of, engagement and membership in OARSI in each country.
Who can submit an application:
Current OARSI members in good standing who have been members for at least three (3) years and have attended at least one (1) OARSI World Congress. Ambassadors are expected to remain active OARSI members throughout the duration of their term and to attend World Congress while serving as an Ambassador.
Characteristics and Qualifications:
Ambassadors will be able to demonstrate relevant experience/skills in all of the
following areas:
1. Scientific or clinical expertise/interest in osteoarthritis
2. Demonstration of motivation and capacity to carry out the role
3. Evidence of current engagement, membership or contribution to one or
more relevant local networks* within their country.
*Networks that are desirable for an OARSI National Ambassador may include
links to relevant osteoarthritis research organizations, healthcare professional
organizations, scientific institutions/societies, universities (especially with higher
degree by research students), consumer organizations, third sector organizations, government agencies or funding agencies with an interest in osteoarthritis research etc.
Ambassadors will be appointed for a 3-year term, with opportunity to renew
once for another term.
Contact Information:
Elizabeth Grotos, CAE, Executive Director
Email: egrotos@oarsi.org and info@oarsi.org
Phone: +001-856-980-6912 / +001-856-642-4215