I fully understand and am aware that exercising is a potentially hazardous activity and that fitness activities involve the risk of injury or even death. I hereby confirm that I voluntarily participate in the activities and programs offered by Blute Fitness Limited and use the equipment and machinery with knowledge of dangers and risks involved. I hereby expressly assume and accept all risks, dangers, potential injury or death involved. I do hereby expressly waive, release, and discharge all claims, liabilities, actions or otherwise which I have or may in the future have against Blute Fitness Limited, its directors, officers, employees and shareholders, on account of all injuries or damages arising out of or attributable to my participation in the above mentioned activities.
我清楚明白及知道運動是有一定的潛在風險,且所有種類的運動也有可能導致受傷或死 亡。我現確認本人乃自願參與 Blute Fitness Limited 所提供的運動和課堂及使用其所提供的設備和器械。我在此明確表示我已預算及接受其所帶來的風險及傷亡的可能。我特此豁免、放棄和解除我所擁有或可能在未來擁有對 Blute Fitness Limited,其董事、高級職員、員工和股東的所有索賠、責任、行動或其他因為本人參與上述活動而引起的傷害或損害。