Featured Agent Interview Questionnaire
Fill this out to be considered for a feature in an upcoming edition of Real Producers Magazine
Contact Info
First Name
Last Name
Brokerage Name:
Do you have a team or are you a single-agent? (If team, write team name below in the box)
Single Agent
Cell Phone
Area Code
Phone Number
Which Real Producers is this for?
Orlando Real Producers
Space Coast Real Producers
Both (Orlando & Space Coast)
Broward Real Producers
Please Check Any/All of Our Special Editions (Or Prospective Special Editions) That Might Fit You Too (Don't Worry if Not)
International Edition (Agents Born Outside the US)
Couples of [Area] Real Estate (Spouses/Partners in the Biz)
35 Under 35 Edition
The "Car Edition" (for Car Enthusiasts to show off their rides)
The PET Edition (to show off pets & raise money for Pet Alliance)
Veteran's Edition (for Military Veterans now in R/E)
Broker's Name
First Name
Last Name
Broker's Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Broker's Email
Would you like to nominate your broker for a "Celebrating Leadership" article too?
Yes, of course!
No, I'm not sure/I wouldn't
What's ONE type of real estate "vendor" you'd like an introduction to?
Our platform is FREE because of our approved advertising partners...Who can we introduce YOU to?
[Photos]: Would you be interested in purchasing professional photos (lifestyle, branding, or headshots) for your own marketing purposes while we send a photographer for the magazine? (*We don't received anything for the referral but it helps us decide which photographer[s] to pair you with)
Yes, that sounds awesome!
I'm not sure/Undecided
Probably not
I'll provide my own print-ready photos
Interview Questions:
[Feel free to skip a FEW long-response questions if you answer the others thoroughly]
Number of Full Years in Real Estate
Last Year's Sales Volume:
Where Are You From Originally? How'd You End Up in the Area?
What Did You Do Before Becoming a Realtor®? When did you start in R/E?
Why & How Did You Become a Real Estate Agent? (What's the "STORY" behind how you ended up in Real Estate?)
What does your business look like today? (Size, Structure, Metrics)
Are you a team vs individual? How many units/volume? What brokerage? What's different from when you first started? Etc...
What's Your Favorite Part of Being a Realtor®? Why?
How would you define "success"?
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received in your career? Do you remember who it was from?
**If not, what's the best advice you could GIVE someone getting into R/E?
What has been the biggest game changer for you in your business?
What makes you different from other agents?
Tell us about your family
Please list any spouses and kids names too please :)
What are your hobbies and interests outside the business?
What Do You Do For Fun?
How do you manage work/life balance?
What are some of your goals for this year?
(Personal AND professional)
Please List Any Awards or Recognition You've Received (if relevant)
What Do You Love About the County/Area? Where Do You See it Going in 5-10 Years?
(Plz make sure to NAME which county or area you're referring to since we cover multiple markets)
Is there anything you WISH we asked you? Plz write any questions AND responses below
Please Upload Any High Resolution Images You'd Like Considered For Your Article:
Browse Files
Please Upload Any High Resolution Images You'd Like Considered For Your Article:
Browse Files
Please Upload Any High Resolution Images You'd Like Considered For Your Article:
Browse Files
If Needed, Please Copy & Paste Any URLs for Dropbox, Google Drive, or Shared High Res Images Below:
If Needed, Please Copy & Paste Any URLs for Dropbox, Google Drive, or Shared High Res Images Below:
Please make sure you LIKE our page on Facebook!
[Optional] Industry Referrals
Who do YOU trust as your service providers? Who would you like to nominate to be included or featured as a Preferred Partner or Sponsor Spotlight? Who should we be chatting with about sponsoring or supporting our platform for top producers? (Feel free to list or skip any of the below. We've included categories to jog your memory)
Lenders, Mortgage Brokers, and Mortgage Bankers
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Title Companies, Real Estate Law, and Escrow
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Home Inspectors, Home Warranty, and Homeowner Insurance
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Builders (Custom or Production)
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Moving & Storage
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Stagers, Interior Design, Decorators, and/or Organizers
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Home Renovation/Repair (Roofers, Pavers, Flooring, Patios, Remodel, Pools, Painters, Electricians, HVAC, etc...)
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Landscapers, Lawn Care, Pest Control, or Home Services
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Consultants, Coaches, and Advisors (Coaches, Social Media Consultants, Financial Advisors, Insurance Advisors, etc...)
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Transaction Coordinator
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Please type their name, company, number, and email
Should be Empty: