The following application applies to buildings connected to the Amity Township Sanitary Sewer System. This EXCLUDES all individual dwellings in Rosewood Glen, Blacksmith Point, and Valley View Manufactured Home Park.
Please use this application for obtaining a Certificate of Compliance for verification of the absense of noncompliant connections to the Amity Township Sanitary Sewer System prior to the deed transfer of an existing building that is connected to the public sanitary sewer system. Once submitted, the owner will be responsible for scheduling an "I & I Resale Inspection" with a Township inspector. Inspections can be scheduled by calling 610-953-0016 or 610-953-0045. A handout will be emailed to the applicant detailing the ordinance requirements. The inspection/s must include a tour of the basement, the exterior and video televising of the lateral, which is performed and hired by the applicant. Once the inspection is found compliant with the Ordinance, a Certificate of Compliance will be issued.