Jean Ibendahl Scholarship (for ages 18-23) Sister Thomas More Bertels Scholarship (for ages 24+)
These two scholarships are available to any farm, ranch or agribusiness woman or her daughter to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine, or any other courses directly related to agriculture.
The Jean Ibendahl Scholarship was initiated in 1991 by AAW member and educator Jean Ibendahl of Tamaroa, Illinois. It was later supported by a generous endowment of $10,000 by Jean and her husband, Calvin. Donations further maintain it by AAW members and affiliates. This scholarship is available to high school graduates and women aged 18-23.
The Sister Thomas More Bertels Scholarship was begun in 1991 to honor a founding mother of AAW. Sister T. More Bertels was a history teacher at Silver Lake College in Manitowoc, WI. She traveled the United States and Canada, extolling agriculture's virtues and empowering producers to realize their potential. This scholarship is available to women who are returning students in agriculture and are 24 years old or older.
Both scholarships are for $1,000. Applications for each scholarship will be received between January 1 and March 1. They must be submitted by May 1 of each year.