Terms and Conditions
As a parent of a participant in this program, staying on top of communications, scheduling, and conduct is critical to your child's success in this program. We will be communicating primarily through email; please read all emails and be sure to attend all parent meetings. We will be also sharing a parent portal so that you can access all relevant information, including dates and times of rehearsal. Please ensure that your child is able to attend all rehearsals prior to submitting registration. Consistent lateness or missed rehearsals may result in dismissal from the program.
We strive to create a community where everyone feels safe and supported in order to ensure a positive onstage experience. Maintaining a role in any production is based more on attitude and commitment than entitlement or talent; this is an EGO-FREE ZONE!
We believe in mutual respect and straightforward communication regarding the experience your child is having. Our Teaching Artists have been asked to check in directly with parents in an early case in which they believe a participant is disinterested or not meeting the expectations of the program.
All rehearsals and shows are school functions; therefore all school policies will be enforced. In the case of misconduct, school administration will be notified. Any child or parent being disrespectful, rude, or unkind (including but not limited to email, texting, or any type of internet posting) to any fellow cast, crew, or creative team member is subject to dismissal from the program without a refund.
By submitting this enrollment, I agree to these terms and conditions and understand that there are no refunds for this program after the 2nd rehearsal. In the case of COVID-19 school closure, the production will continue online. There will be no refunds due to COVID-19.