LEAD Survey
We've been listening: from the assessment 5 months ago, to the transitional focus groups 5 weeks ago. Your responses have guided the following survey questions. Once the surveys have been completed, we will be gathering congregants for a new set of Focus Groups to have personal conversations and gain even more in-depth information about St. Luke. As always, thank you for your input as we move through this journey, together.
Personal Information
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
While we would love to have as much input from everyone as possible, it is not a requirement to answer them all. Please just answer as many questions as you feel called to. Please respond by June 15.
What is the community that St. Luke is called to serve?
If this congregation disappeared tomorrow, what would the neighborhood miss?
What is keeping the congregation from growing?
What is keeping you from growing in the St. Luke community? Is it spiritual, leadership, belonging or something else?
What do you perceive the challenges in the neighborhood to be? What evidence supports your perception?
What gifts does St. Luke bring to the community? What do you love about St. Luke?
Often when we are inspired by a new idea we manage to find the time, energy and resources to pursue it. What kind of project in our community would get you excited?
Please feel free to add any additional notes
If you are interested in participating in a Focus Group to discuss these questions further as well as others, please comment here.
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