Business Name: Business Name
Official Representatives: First Name Last Name
Website Address: Website Address
Can we link your website to the Chamber website? please check one Yes No
Type of Business: ie: Accommodations; Animal Care/Veterinary; Auto Sales/Repair;Farm; Health Care; Retail/Wholesale; Home-based; Manufacturing; Restaurant/Food; Other. Please fill in below.
Type of business
Number of Employees: blanks Number of Years in Business:
What are your specialties? blanks
Service Offered: blanks
This information will be used for PR purposes by the committee and for the Chamber website. Please submit payment of $35.00 by January 31, 2023By Check: Candor Chamber, P.O. Box 32, Candor, NY 13743PayPal: using the PayPal app via friends and family (no charge) to If using PayPal, please place your name and/or business name and contact information in the notes section.
By clicking the word "PayPal" below you are submitting your online application and will be re-directed to PayPal to submit your payment. Once we receive your payment, we will contact you about your Membership.
Thank you!
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The strength of our Chamber relies on the strength of our membership.
Chamber Use Only: Date Received blanks Dues Paid: