Masterclass / Course Registration Form
Please Select a Course You Wish to Enroll:
Please Select
[FINTECH Series] - Evolving Technologies in Financial Services and Markets
[FINTECH Series] - FINTECH Disruption Masterclass
[Sustainability Series] - CIFAL Newcastle - Introduction to Sustainability and Reporting
[Sustainability Series] - CIFAL Newcastle- Sustainable Finance and ESG Risks
[Sustainability Series] - CIFAL Newcastle -Carbon Footprint Accounting
[Workplace & Employment Law Series] - The Personal Data Protection Act and Its Practical Applications for HR Practitioners
[Workplace & Employment Law] Vietnam Employment Law
[Core Skills] - The Situation-Behavior-Impact Workshop
[Core Skills] - The Art of Creative Problem-Solving
[Core Skills] - Strategic Communication Skills for Leaders and Managers
[Core Skills] - Secrets to Peak Performance and Productivity
[Core Skills] - Effective Business Communication and Writing Skills
[Core Skills] - The Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
[Core Skills] - Fundamental Strategies For eCommerce Success
[Core Skills] - Essential Skills for Organizational Social Media Marketing
[Core Skills] - Essential Skills for Leaders and Managers
[Core Skills] - High Performance Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Workshop
[Core Skills] - Impactful Communication and Presentation Skills Masterclass
Participant Name
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Middle Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
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Postal / Zip Code
Mobile Number
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Phone Number
Office Phone Number (If any)
Area Code
Phone Number
Company Name
For Legal Practitioner with SILE CPD Requirement, please provide your AAS/ S36B FL Number (only for Singapore Practitioners)
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