A pre-anesthetic blood panel will be performed for a fee of $95. This panel will evaluate major organ functions and help identify pre-existing problems that may not be evident on physical examination.FOR DENTALS ONLYWhile under anesthesia, the doctor will make a judgment as to whether any teeth need to be extracted based off of x-rays and examination of the teeth. I give my consent for extractions as deemed necessary and understand that I am responsible for any additional costs related to extractions. (Initial) * I understand that all anesthetic and surgical procedures involve some risks of complications or even death. I am encouraged to discuss any concerns I have about those risks with the veterinarian before the procedure is initiated.I, the undersigned owner or agent of the pet identified above, authorize Shandon-Wood Animal Clinic to perform the above procedure(s). I agree to pay, in full, for services at the time they and rendered, including those deemed necessary in the event of any complications or emergencies.