By signing this application, I agree not the hold the Charlestown Beautification Committee, Saturdays on the Square Market, or its volunteers or the City of Charlestown responsible for any damage or theft which might occur to any of my personal property, my booth, and/or sales items during my participation in this market.
I accept responsibility for all individuals working in my booth space. Anyone selling inappropriate items or items in bad taste will be asked to pull that product or opt to leave the market immediately. This market is incorporated around family activities, including children.
I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for losses and damages I may have against the Charlestown Beautification Committee, Saturdays on the Square Market, or its volunteers or the City of Charlestown, and all other parties and their representatives, successors, and assignees for any and all injuries and all claims of damages demands and actions whatsoever which may arise as a result of participation in this market.
I hereby grant full permission to any and all forgoing to use photographs, videotapes or motion pictures of this festival for any purpose related to the market, future markets, beneficiary or sponsor.
I also acknowledge I have read, understand, agree to abide by, and retained a copy of the specific Saturdays on the Square Market rules.