Notice of Completion (NOC)
Completed forms will be added to your Student File.
Student's Name:
First Name
Last Name
Student ID#
I have completed the following Module:
Please Select
VC Orientation
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Module 13
Module 14
Module 15
Module 16
Module 17
Module 18
Module 19
Module 20
You must complete a NOC for each completed module.
Please evaluate honestly
Very Good
Very Poor
The training module as a whole was:
The course content was:
The handouts for the module were:
The instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was:
Opening of Audio & Document links were:
Clarity of instructor's voice / audio was:
Rate how you did on the quiz?
On average, how many hours did you spend on completing this module (including any homework assignment)?
0 - 2
2 - 5
6 - 10
If you were to give yourself a grade on the quiz and understanding the contents covered in this module, it would be?
A (90-100)
B (80-89)
C (70-79)
D (60-69)
Is there any other feedback you'd like to give on this module?
Should be Empty: