Use a separate organizer for each business
Business, LLC, Entrepreneur, Contractor, Consultant and all default Schedule C filers
Total of all Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-K received
Other income (not included in gross receipts above)
Equipment Purchases – Enter the following information for depreciable assets purchased that have a useful life greater than one year
Area of home must be exclusively used for business except for storage or day care. Note: Managing rental activities or investments does not qualify for business use of the home.
Enter below only the expenses paid during the period the home was used for business. Direct expenses benefit only the business use portion of the home. This includes painting or repairs exclusively for the business area. Indirect expenses are for keeping up and running the entire home, such as mortgage interest and property taxes. If you bought or sold your home during 2017, copy this worksheet and fill out one for each home.