Draft School Calendar: Feedback
First Name
Last Name
How many children do you have that attend Riverwalk Academy?
Please Select
1 child
2 ore more children
What Grade Level(s) will your child/children be in for the 23 - 24 school year?
Elem (K - 5)
Middle (6 - 8)
9th Grade
10th - 12th Grade
Week-Long Breaks
Intercessions (week-long breaks) are designed to give teachers and students an opportunity to rest and recharge for mental health purposes during the academic year. The week-long break offers opportunities for families to take vacation during non-peak travel times. During intercession, students do not report to school and teachers do not report to work. However, this is also a time period that can be used for student enrichment programs and/or academic recovery for students who need extra help to pass their course(s) for that nine weeks. To what degree do you support Riverwalk Academy adding intercession breaks into the school calendar?
Please Select
I think the breaks are great
I think the breaks are somewhat helpful
I do not think the breaks are helpful at all
Please explain why you do not support these breaks
Early Start
The balanced schedule would include a start date prior to the second week in August. Would starting early have a negative impact on your family?
Please Select
No impact on my family
Slight impact on my family
Significant impact on my family
Please explain how starting early would have a negative impact on your family.
Which statement matches your belief
I believe a balanced calendar could improve my child's emotional well being.
A balanced calendar might not improve my child's emotional well being, but I can see how it could improve other childrens'.
I do not believe the balanced calendar will improve any child's emotional well being.
Which statement matches your belief
I believe a balanced calendar could improve my child's academic performance.
A balanced calendar might not improve my child's academic performance, but I can see how it could improve other childrens'.
I do not believe the balanced calendar will improve any child's academic performance.
Which statement matches your belief
I believe that a balanced calendar could help improve teacher's emotional well being, and could be a positive factor to reduce burnout in the teaching profession.
I do not that a balanced calendar could help improve teacher's emotional well being, and could be a positive factor to reduce burnout in the teaching profession.
Which Calendar
Now that you've seen the draft calendar for next year, which would you prefer (balanced) or a traditional calendar (similar to the current school calendar)?
balanced (the draft calendar for 23 - 24)
traditional (similar to the current school year)
What questions or comments do you have regarding the possibility of the modified/balanced academic calendar for Riverwalk Academy?
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