1. School Sport Victoria (SSV) competition is governed by the Rules and Procedures available on the SSV website (www.ssv.vic.edu.au) and the policies and documentation of the Victorian Department of Education;
2. SSV will allocate schools into the most appropriate playing competition determined on geographical location. This is district competition for primary schools and division competition for secondary schools;
3. SSV staff will consult with local school sport division and/or region coordinators on the reccomended allocation, to the SSV CEO, of schools to Primary Districts or Secondary Divisions;
4. School membership entitles full participation including state championships & full membership obligations inclusive of code of ethics, facilities, child safe and ongoing requirements as determined by the CEO of SSV;
5. Participation in an alternate regular school sport competition prohibits membership in SSV Regular School Sport for Secondary Schools. This is defined as: “Schools participating in any inter-school sporting competitions as part of a formalised school sporting association other than School Sport Victoria”;
6. Memberships and any conditions of membership are subject to a review at any time after the first 12 months of participation;
7. Member schools must pay any annual fee by the due date in any year to SSV and local competition area otherwise they are not entitled to participate in School Sport Victoria activities.