2025 Citizen of the Year Nomination Form
Presented by the Rotary Clubs of Bedford & Bedford Elks Lodge
Name of Nominee
First Name
Last Name
Nominee's Business or Organization
Nominee's Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please provide a brief description explaining how this individual has demonstrated the principles of the Rotary motto, "Service Above Self" and/or the Elks motto, "Elks Care, Elks Share" through his or her contributions to the lives and welfare of the citizens of Bedford County.
Please provide information about any service organizations or initiatives to which the nominee belongs or with which the nominee participates
Has your nominee received other recognition, honors or awards? Please describe.
Send additional information to the Chamber office, via email (director@bedfordcountychamber.org) or upload additional information here:
Browse Files
Name of Nominator:
First Name
Last Name
Nominator's Email Address:
Nominator's Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Should be Empty: