Please read our terms for Local Voices:
Self-published or POD books must be supplied by the author (i.e., Create Space, Lulu, iUniverse, AuthorHouse, KindleDirect, Book Baby etc.). Loganberry Books will take the standard 40% commission of the retail value.
Consignment and event checks are sent at the end of every quarter, regardless of consignment periods and/or event dates.
Books must be professionally bound and ISBN registered.
Loganberry Books will serve as sales agent of the day, taking care of all point-of-sale business (change, checks, credit cards, receipts, bags, sales tax, etc.). All sales must go through Loganberry Books. Books may not be traded, bartered, swapped or given away.
Authors will be provided a table and a chair to meet, greet, and engage customers in a professional manner. Authors may bring additional marketing materials to help them with this process, such as bookmarks, pens, buttons, stickers, pencils, toys, candy, etc. Any non-book item being sold during the event must also be processed through Loganberry Books point-of-sale.
All marketing materials must directly relate to the book. No political/social propaganda.
Author agrees to be available for interviews and photographs prior to or during the event (as available). We reserve the right to use these photos and interviews for promotion.
Loganberry Books is not responsible for the safety of exhibits or exhibitors. Personal injury and property insurance is solely the exhibitor’s responsibility.
There is no smoking in the building or on the lawn/driveway of Loganberry Books.
Loganberry Books does not provide parking in our driveway. The driveway may be used as a loading area. Please find parking on the street or in a public lot.
The event fee must be paid prior to the event.
If, for any reason, Loganberry Books is prevented from sponsoring this event, this agreement is cancelled. The terms of this agreement may change at any time with written notice.
By signing this form, the group agrees to the terms outlined above.