I First Name Last Name , have the authority to grant access to Spiritwalkers Paranormal Association (the Team) its members and affiliated persons to the below listed location for the purpose of conducting an investigation and/or conducting field research into possible paranormal or unexplainable events. By signing this document, I am stating that I am, or have been the granted authority by the property owner, to allow access to the property listed below. The investigation process has been explained to me and I give the Team permission to conduct an investigation and/or research at this location, with the restriction(s) if noted. The Team releases the owner/operator of the location from any liabilities for any injuries and/or equipment damages that may occur during an investigation. The Team assumes full responsibility for our actions and for any damages to the property during the investigation. I understand and acknowledge that the Team will never trespass or intentionally damage property. I affirm that I am authorizing this investigation of my own free will.
This document is proprietary and confidential. No part of this document may be disclosed in any manner to a third party without the prior written consent of Spiritwalkers Paranormal Association.