Invest in your journey as a Kingdom Builder and come back to Apex Gathering this summer! Come back for another year of spiritual growth, deepening your connection with Jesus—but hurry while you can, because there are only limited spots available. Here at Apex we're commited helping kingdom leaders climbing the mountains they've been called to climb; join us once again on this amazing (and fulfilling) expedition! Sign up now before these places disappear faster than an ice cream cone baking in the summer sun.
We're excited to have you return this year for our gathering July 6th-8th! As you complete your alumni form you can save and return at any time by clicking the disc icon at the bottom of the screen.
Also, to make things convenient, you will have the ability to complete payment or hold with a deposit for your registration at the end of this form so have your preferred card handy before you begin.
If you have any questions feel free to send us an email at
We can't wait to see you!