This form will be available from 12:01 am, 19 January 2023, through 11:59 pm Sunday 12 February 2023.
(In reality, it may be available before 19 January, but only for testing purposes. Submissions filed early may be ignored.)
The bylaws of the Adelante Caucus require that candidates for office have been members of the caucus for six months, so first there are some formalities:
Note: candidate statements will be included when the list of candidates is sent to members of the caucus.
Use your statement to introduce yourself to Adelante members. You may include information such as your background, in and out of political involvement; your political values; and your ideas and plans for the caucus.
If you are elected, then under the current bylaws your term of office will run through the autumn of 2024. We are reviewing bylaw changes that may change the dates of elections and the membership of the Executive Committee; this may potentially affect the dates of office for all officers and the existence of the at-large positions. By submitting this form, you confirm that you are willing to serve in accordance with the rules of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and the bylaws of the Adelante Progressive Caucus.