Rules and Regulations will be followed or it will cost you the privilege of free housing.
SHOWERS: 1) There will be only one (1) group at a time permitted per each shower area. If your group is larger than 12, you will go in shifts. There will be no more than 12 at a time in the shower area. Showers are limited to 5 minutes. 2) Group Leaders/Chaperones will accompany participants to the shower area and remain with them until all participants are done. When everyone is done, group leaders/chaperones are responsible for cleaning up (pick up trash, clothes, etc.) before exiting the shower area. 3) Everyone will be fully dressed upon exiting the shower area. NO EXCEPTIONS. THIS WILL BE ENFORCED.
ARENA AREA: 1) The arena must stay clean at all times. Trash cans and trash bags are provided for you to help keep the arena clean. 2) Sleeping areas will be assigned by groups. Groups are not to relocate their area at any time.
CELL PHONES: 1) Water fountains in the arena will not be unplugged for the purpose of charging cell phones. STEUBENVILLE SOUTH AND THE EVACUATION CENTER ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN CELL PHONES OR OTHER ITEMS.