Medical expenses
If you paid for healthcare expenses, you may be able to claim them as eligible medical expenses on your income tax return.
You may deduct only amount of your total medical expenses that exceed 3% of your income. Sample: if total income is $30,000 - you need to have receipts which total is higher than $900.
The Medical Expense Tax Credit is non-refundable tax credit, which means that it can be subtracted from tax owed, but cannnot create refund for you. Same idea for donations.
The medical expenses include a wide range of products, procedures and services, such as: medical supplies, optometrist, dental care, chiropractor, travel insurance, etc
You can claim medical expenses from previous years, given that it has not been claimed previously. You are allowed to pick your 12 month period (to maximize claim). As long as the end of the 12 months falls within the tax year you are reporting, you are free to choose the best time frame for your situation.