English (US)
Strengthening Families Program (SFP)
First Name
Last Name
Confirmation Email
Program Instructor:
Please Select
Chelymarie Reyes
Chelysmaly Cruz
David Kinee
Jodi Corbett
Lisa Harczak
Nikki Nichols
Sarah Florence
Temerity Berry
Program Setting/Location:
Please Select
Dennis Township
Lower Township
Middle Township
Ocean City
Shore Family Success Center
Upper Township
Woodbine Community Center
Virtual (Zoom)
Program Test:
Please Select
Family Relations/Cohesion Scale
I am available when others in the family want to talk with me.
A. Not true
B. Hardly true or sometimes
C. True a lot of the time
D. Always true or almost always
I listen to what other family members have to say, even when I disagree.
A. Not true
B. Hardly true or sometimes
C. True a lot of the time
D. Always true or almost always
Family members ask each other for help.
A. Not true
B. Hardly true or sometimes
C. True a lot of the time
D. Always true or almost always
Family members like to spend free time with each other.
A. Not true
B. Hardly true or sometimes
C. True a lot of the time
D. Always true or almost always
Family members feel very close to each other.
A. Not true
B. Hardly true or sometimes
C. True a lot of the time
D. Always true or almost always
We can easily think of things to do together as a family.
A. Not true
B. Hardly true or sometimes
C. True a lot of the time
D. Always true or almost always
Family Relations/Cohesion Score:
Parent-Child Affective Quality Parent Report
During the past month, when you and your child have spent time talking or doing things together, how often did you:
Almost Always
Fairly Often
About Half the Time
Not Too Often
Almost Never
A. Get Angry at him/her
B. Let this child know you really care about him/her
C. Shout or yell at this child because you were mad at him/her
D. Act loving and affectionate toward him/her
E. Let this child know that you appreciate him/her, his/her ideas, or things he/she does
F. Yell, insult, or swear at him/her when you disagree
G. When this child does something wrong, how often do you lose your temper and yell at him/her
Parent-Child Affective Quality Parent Report Score:
Family Relationships - Parent-School Involvement Scale
During the past month, when you and your child have spent time talking or doing things together, how often did you:
Once or Twice
Very Often
A. Check your son's/daughter's homework after it was completed?
B. Help your son or daughter do his or her homework?
C. Help your son or daughter prepare for tests?
D. Talk with your son or daughter about his or her experience at school with classes or work that day?
E. Talk with your son or daughter about his or her experience at school with friends or school children that day?
F. Talk with your son or daughter about his or her experience with other school activities (sports, lunchtime) that day?
Family Relationships - Parent-School Involvement Score:
Total Score:
Should be Empty: