{typeA} reliability plan represents an integrated approach addressing the operation, maintenance and inspection of the electric system.
Providing safe, reliable, and affordable electric service to meet the needs of customers requires an intricate balance and consideration of all of the above as well as the resources available to achieve results.
{typeA} made reasonable efforts to avoid and prevent service interruptions during the last year. However, when interruptions occurred, service was reestablished within the shortest time practicable, consistent with safety.
{typeA} has an effective preventive maintenance program and is capable of emergency repair work on an appropriate scale to its scope of operations and to the physical condition of its electric facilities. No changes were made to the program during the last year.
{typeA} continues to follow a written program for inspecting and maintaining its electric supply lines and substations in order to determine the necessity for replacement, maintenance and repair, and for tree pruning or other vegetation management.
{typeA} installs lightning arresters at appropriate on all distribution line equipment in an effort to reduce outages and protect equipment.
{typeA} has a program of regular pole inspection, with the complete system scheduled to be completed on a 10 year cycle. The inspections are done on an area basis with all municipal utility owned poles, within a given area, being inspected each year. The program consists of a complete inspection of the poles, over 10 years of age, and a report on all rejected poles that are to be replaced. Poles are generally replaced within six months.