Youth Judging Registration
Please complete this form by Nov 1, 2025 to be assured of a spot in the Youth Judging Program and get a Tee Shirt. This program is for children 7-12 years old. Children may not be left unattended with the Youth Judging Team. If you are older than 12 years old contact Vicki about being trained as a real judge. Participation will be limited to the first 20 registrants. No Walk Up Participation. Sponsored by NCM Insurance
Name of Child
First Name
Last Name
Parent Name or Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Age at the time of the 2025 MCACN Show (Youth Judging is for kids aged 7-12. If you are older than 12 contact Vicki Ashton
Age 7
Age 8
Age 9
Age 10
Age 11
Age 12
Shirt Size : Must register by Oct 1, 2025 to be assured the correct size shirt
I give permission for my child(ren) to appear in photographs and/or video taken at the above event, to be used for publicity purposes, including social media. I give consent for my child/children’s full name to be used in social media notices I understand that my child/children's picture, name and/or age may appear in such publicity material. I completely understand and realize that participating in the above mentioned activity could include actions or tasks which might be dangerous or hazardous to me or my child. By signing below, I agree to the fact that participation can cause any harm or injury to me and/or my child I release the organization listed above from all liability, costs and damages which could arise from participation in the above activity. I agree to accept financial responsibility for the costs related to the emergency treatment and give my confirmation of the same by signing this document.
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