The Doula Day of Education will be hosted by Doulas of Santa Clarita Valley on March 25, 2023. The tentative schedule will be:
7:30am-8:00am: Yoga and Relaxation with Christina Lewis, Yoga Instructor
8:30am-9:30am: Reiki Relaxation Therapy for for Pregnancy & Beyond by Erica Lopez-Villagomez, CD-L, Reiki Master
10:00am-11:00am: Enhancing Symbiosis Between Birth Professionals and Pelvic Health Therapy in the Care of the Whole Person by Onita Turner, DPT
11:30am-12:30pm: Nervous System Support for Mamas, Babies, and the Whole Family by Dr. Nicole Clark, DC
12:30pm-1:30pm: LUNCH on your own
2:00pm-3:00pm: Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond: Education and Skills for Supporting your Breast/Chest Feeding Clients by Ariana Lapierre, IBCLC
3:30pm-4:30pm: Insurance and Medi-cal Billing for Doulas by Phyllis Wodin-Murphy
5:00pm-6:00pm: Marketing Your Birth and Postpartum Business by Stacey Wodin
6:30pm-8:30pm: OPTIONAL Paint and Wine Event with artist Becky Slaughter (this is an additional fee of $40 and limited to 20 attendees).
If any speaker cancels, we will do our best to schedule an alternate speaker.
- Morning Yoga is FREE
- 6 Speaker Sessions (General Admission) is $150 and will include coffee, tea, water, light snacks throughout the day. Speaker handouts will also be included.
- Paint and Wine Event is $40 and includes: canvas, paint, instruction from Becky Slaughter, 1 glass of wine (or non-alcoholic beverage), cheese and fruit.
There are NO REFUNDS
Exact location in Santa Clarita will be emailed to all attendees after registration and payment has been processed.
NOTE: There is no wi-fi access at facility
Due to COVID, Cold/Flu season, we ask that no one attend if they are ill. Doulas of Santa Clarita Valley and its representatives hold no responsibility for any illness, injury, accident resulting from attending this event. Masks should be worn by attendees who are concerned about contracting any illness. Any persons with food allergies should take precautions and provide their own food/drink to avoid potential cross contamination.
In the event of an act of God and/or National Emergency that would prevent this event from occuring, the event will be re-scheduled for a later date.