Your estimated cost will be the minimum charged for the visit. You may be subjected to additional fees beyond estimated cost; because fees are dependent on the condition, size, and temperment of the animal upon arrival. You agree to pay the invoice amount upon arrival for pick up. No show fees are the price of the visits intentions as we blocked out time in our calendar to hold your spot. After 2 no shows with no communication, we will no longer accept as a client. We are all human please communicate when late, and I will do the same. Occasionally, Sarah's chronic conditions act up and she will reschedule. Please be understanding. We try to be transparent about trasnferrable illnesses and expect the same courtesy from our in home clients so we can protect ourselves.
For animal care sessions beyond 5 miles of the city limits of 80634 Greeley, CO, the Client is responsible to pay mileage for the excess amount (roundtrip). Mileage is to be calculated at the current federal rate of $0.545 per mile and will be clearly presented on Provider’s Invoice to the Client.
All dogs must have proof of Rabies vaccines.