Any entity operating in Oglesby or person operating a business in Oglesby or any business which serves the Oglesby community or any individual who supports the purpose of WAO and is generally recognized as a responsible and civic-minded entity or person shall be eligible for membership in WAO. There shall be one designated voting member per membership or business.
Membership Privileges
Any member in good standing shall enjoy the privileges of voting in elections and matters put to general vote, holding an elected office, serving on committees, receiving information and services as offered to all members, and attending any general meetings of the membership.
Membership Term
The membership year shall be twelve (12) calendar months. Membership shall terminate if non-payment of dues exceeds the delinquency period, terminating all rights and privileges in WAO.
Each designated voting member of a member business and each personal member in good standing shall have one vote on any matter to be voted on by the membership of WAO. Any member may designate in writing an individual member to represent said member as proxy at any meeting and on any vote taken by WAO. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the membership.
Commercial Marketing Package
Commercial Memberships will be promoted/highlighted on We Are Oglesby, NFP Corp Facebook page, included on membership directory publications, and on www.weareoglesby.net membership directory that will include your logo, pictures, a bio, and business hours. Please send your information to Michelle Kwiatek at marketing@weareoglesby.net.