The Grace Project Homes Inc. is an opportunity to promote financial literacy and economic development through the reward of homeownership for low to moderate-income families and unhoused veterans. Applicants must qualify based on the definition of homeless, as stated from guidance by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The home you are applying for is the property of Grace Project Homes Inc. By completing this application; you agree that you have been homeless for more than 30 days and agree to the following requirements:
1. You are able and willing to attend “From unhoused to Homeowner Programs.”
2. Understand you must make every effort to become gainfully employed or receive financial assistance.
3. Utilities and maintenance are not included; it is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
4. The home will be paid on for ten years but cannot be sold for 30 years.
5. Home inspections will be conducted twice a year.
6. You MUST inform the Grace Project Homes Inc of any repairs made to the home.
7. Project Homes Inc. of any repairs to the home.