Drillers Foundation Scholarship
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
College You Plan to Attend
How many years will it take to achieve your program degree?
2 Years
4 Years
Which sport do you plan to play in college?
Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Name
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Number of dependents on family income
How many family members will be in college in 2023-2024 (do not include parents)
College Information
Please complete the following questions based on the school that you plan on attending.
College - Tuitions/Fees
On Campus Room/Board (dorm/apt./meals)
Commuter (travel/living expenses)
Total Expenses
Financial Aid Package
Please include the financial aid package information for the college that you plan on attending
Merit Scholarship received from the college
Grants received from the FAFSA
Expected Student Loans
Work Study
Any other outside scholarships already awarded
Cumulative Financial Aid Package
Please attach a letter of recommendation from your school counselor.
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If you have any additional letters of recommendations, please attach here
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Up to 3 letters
Essay Questions
Please answer each essay question with a one paragraph response.
Why do you want to further your education or training?
Why have you chosen this program?
Why do you believe the scholarship committee should select you as a recipient?
Why are sports important to you?
List your extracurricular activities including sports, clubs and after school employment. Highlight any community service experiences you have had.
List any other scholarships you have applied for or have been awarded.
Please list the scholarship, amount and if applying or rewarded
Please explain any circumstances that you feel the scholarship committee should know about?
Why should you be our recipient?
Should be Empty: