We welcome you as an exhibitor. The Vendor Exhibitors mall is designed to build economic development by bringing all like minded people together under one roof. The Vendor Exhibitors Mall has more than one option. If you are in the mixed mall you are not present. Your items are bar coded and account is set up. You will receive a monthly report with all sales. If you do not receive a report it simply means you have no sales. Note there is a booth fee and 10% of all sales for mixed mall vendors. For those that choose to work their own booth you must be present. You can set your own hours but be sure to be consistant. If you choose to pop-up you must schedule in the log book what days you will be attending. All chefs you must have your own supply. This is a pop-up chef. All food must be prepared and ready to serve. You will need warmers and all supplies needed. Vendors must be artisians (hand made products) with the acception of sponsors to support the malls growth.
The Vendor Exhibitors Mall also has a free coffee bar and the free library corner.
All Vendors release the mall of any and all liabilities. All vendors must market the mall. Let people know your location. All vendors must add the mall logo to all marketing and advertising. Thank you for your full support and cooperation.